Summer Rewards

Do I really need to take lessons this summer?

Summer brings on a lot of fun, vacations, friend time, camps and all sorts of exciting distractions.  It’s totally fine though!  Everyone needs a break from the regular daily life schedule.  Since piano lessons is usually only one time each week I find that continuing lessons in the summer is beneficial for several reasons, but let’s talk about 3 of those today.

1.  Regression is less likely to occur

Keep the wheel turning even in the summer!  When you take a break it is easier to not practice and to forget much of what you have learned.  Yes!  It will come back to you, but who wants to spend the first 3 months of fall just catching up to where you left off before summer?  Routines take time to establish. Breaking the routine can be painful to start all over.

2.  Special Music Projects

During the school year much of what is taught in a traditional piano lessons is core theory and note reading elements. It really doesn’t allow for much room to explore chords, composing, music notation software and other areas of music development. However, summer is a great time to achieve the goal of music exploration in a greater way!

3.  Dropping out of piano

Making piano a priority in the summer lessens the chance of losing interest in piano.  If you take off from piano, many times students do not return in the fall.  The routine is interrupted and the students fills the time with other things.  If you want your child to be a life long pianist or love music, make it a priority like brushing your teeth and combing your hair.  Keep piano in the schedule!

Even if you do not make every lesson in the summer or maybe you don’t practice everyday, your child will most likely maintain their level of study.  It’s so rewarding reaching a special music goal or being able to continue growing in your study without having to back up for review.  You can do this!  Stay on the musical journey year around!  It will be worth it!

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