What a difference the triangle makes

Parents play an important role in a student’s musical progress. It’s actually a triangle of the student, teacher and parent working together that produces the best results! 

How Can I share in My Child’s Musical Journey?

  1. Sit with your child when they practice. Children love for parents to listen and many love for the parent to learn along with them. This encourages children when they see the parent’s interest.
  2. Look at their assignment with them at the beginning of the week and a day or two before their next lesson. Be sure your child completes everything the teacher has requested. 

Rewards are a good thing

  1. Have fun!  Set up a reward system for home practice. Sometimes the teacher has a studio rewards system. Adopt tedious plan and make sure your child is part of the win.  

The Big Secret!

  1. This is key! Find a practice time that they can be consistent with.  It may not be the exact time everyday. Choose after dinner practice, after homework, before school, or practice while mom or dad cooks dinner. Just find that right time for your family, commit to that time and remind them daily. Kids will be kids and often not remember with our busy schedules.

Communication is a win!

  1. Check in with your teacher monthly to see what tips they may provide in assisting with practice. Communication with the teacher is really important. Lastly, be sure to show up faithfully to each weekly lesson!  

A supportive parent really does make a difference in their child’s progress. Students can still make some progress weekly by coming to the lesson and working with their teacher. However, the greatest success is when the triangle is in place. Statistically students with consistent practice and lesson attendance stay in music for the long haul. The triangle is crutial.

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