How does Studio and Home Practice work? Are you ready to find out?  Let’s do this!

Music is a wonderful gift!  From the “Studio Experience” to “Home Practice” those students who attend lessons regularly and practice consistently at home continue for the long haul and stay motivated.  However, many students enjoy the experience and gain a love for music by just attending lessons at the studio.

On a side note, interestingly enough, over the past year I have personally evaluated all those who remained online versus those who returned to the studio. Those who remained online are much more consistent with practice and have made more overall progress.  They are having as much fun as those in the studio and connecting with the other musical friends in their online class.  I have been amazed and loving seeing the growth!


There are 5-6 kids that attend each session.  The makes for an exciting time enjoying music together.  The students love meeting musical friends and doing activities together!

KEYBOARD PRACTICE – When students first come into the studio the go to their assigned keyboard and log into our wonderful app to view their assignment!  Students warm up and prepare to play their pieces for the teacher.  Other students may listen to their next assignment and begin practicing to make sure they understand how to practice it at home.  During this time the teacher hears each student critiquing what they have practiced.

ACTIVITY TIME  – We do an activity together. We play games, rhythm fun, composing and more!  This is a valuable time and students love to learn and review together.

REWARDS BEFORE GOING HOME – Students get rewarded for the following (1) class attendance, (2) practice points in the app, (3) Winning game (4) Sending a practice video of them practicing their piece at home or (5) picture of their completed worksheets.    


  1. Get the MUSIC READY!  Print the music before practicing or sign in on your mobile device to get started! 
  2. Practice Routine – Parents/Students find and set a routine practice plan.  Student should practice 3-4 times each week. Remind your child to do their daily practice.  Students who can not practice will go at a little slower pace.  
  3. Begin Practicing – Play each assigned songs 3-5 times each day depending on the age of student😀  Open the app and push that blue “Let’s Practice” button and rack up those points! I wonder who will have the most practice points in your group!  You know the teacher always checks the leaderboard!  The more points you have the more studio bucks you will earn!  If you are #1 in your group you even get more studio bucks!
  4. Send your weekly video – Send in a video of your child practicing one of their assigned songs. 
  5. Send your worksheet – Print your worksheet. Complete it.  Now send your weekly pictures of all the students completed worksheets to the teacher.                                                                                                       

All videos and pictures should be sent to the teacher, before your lesson, through the studio app! 

Are you interested in the convenience of online instruction? We Make It FUN!!! no matter which way you choose!

For any questions contact us

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