Young child at a Yamaha keyboard

Have you ever been overwhelmed with making a keyboard purchase? Hopefully after reading this post today you will have better direction in making that purchase.

I have found Yamaha keyboards to be the best for quality sound and endurance!  It’s not to say that there are not other quality keyboards to choose from.  Every teacher has their opinion but I stick to what I know has performed well for me over the years.  I’ve had all Yamaha keyboards in my studio at Bidwell School of Music for years with hundreds of kids playing on them.  I also have a high end $5,000 electronic Yamaha piano in my home and a Yamaha grand.  They are all fabulous and used in various ways.  They all have their special features!  I know this brand well and have never been sorry.  Keyboards range from just $100 up to thousands of dollars.  This can be overwhelming for a parent or student trying to figure out which one to purchase.  So let me help you with the process.

First you must ask yourself a few questions:

  1. How old is the student?
  2. What level is the student?
  3. How committed is the student or how serious is your family about their commitment to piano?
  4. What is my budget?
  5. What is the students musical goal?  Concert pianist?  Learning for enjoyment?  Want to play in a band?

OPTION 1 – Young Beginner Student Ages 4-7

The YAMAHA YPT260 61 is a very inexpensive keyboard with 61 keys.  The standard piano comes with 88 keys.  However, this works for 4-7 yr old beginners.  I would not get this keyboard for anyone over this age group or if a they are not a beginner.  Keep in mind that a child can out grow this keyboard within 1-2 yrs.  So, if your goal is to try piano/keyboard lessons for 6 months to 1 year then this is the KEYBOARD. (Click on this link).  Keep in mind that if the student continues past a year you may need to invest in another keyboard.

OPTION 2 – Ages 4 – Adult Up To Intermediate Level, Budget Friendly

The YAMAHA PSR-EW300 SA 76-Key Portable Keyboard is 76 keys. (88 keys is a full size piano or keyboard). It can be used for any age through even early intermediate level.  You will need a stool or young students can stand when they practice. Can use for a few years. The biggest difference is the keys are weighted.  With weighted keys a student can control the dynamics of the piece they are playing.  They can make their playing loud, soft or somewhere in the middle.  This really is an important aspect of playing the piano even in the beginning stages. It strengthens their fingers and starts developing control of tone right from the beginning.  For this difference alone I would purchase this keyboard before purchasing the one above. 

OPTION 3 – Ages 4 – Adult, Beginner-Intermediate Level, More committed

The YAMAHA P125 88-Key Weighted Action Digital Piano is the most pricy of the 3 keyboards mentioned in this blog, but is still really reasonable for a great practice keyboard.  It has the full size 88 key keyboard (standard number of piano keys). It has the valuable weighted keys which was described in option 2.  The speakers are really great in this keyboard.  The functionality is simple.  If the student is wanting to play in a band then they will enjoy the simplicity of this keyboard.  Most Bands use electronic instruments and this one is a great choice!  Yamaha also makes a fun app that the student can use with this keyboard.  The student can use this keyboard for years up until at least late intermediate level.  Any level beyond this may want a higher end keyboard, Clavinova electronic piano or an acoustic piano which I will discuss in a future blog.

Don’t forget these items!

You will need a keyboard stand, bench, power supply (usually comes included) and pedal.  I chose Miwayer Advanced Keyboard Bench because it has the ability to adjust from 19-24 inches.  Most other benches do not adjust to 24 inches.  It is important to have a bench that the student can raise or lower if it’s not the right height.  Younger children especially will need to be up higher to properly reach and play keyboard.  Some of the keyboards above include these items and some do not.  Please check and make sure to purchase these items along with your keyboard.  Oh yes! You may also want to include the Sony MDR-ZX110 Stereo Headphones.  I use these even in my studio!  They work great!

Music is so awesome!  It really is important to invest in a quality instrument.  I have had students that were going to quit lessons and then once they received a quality instrument the interest was rekindled.  If your budget allows for it then go for option 3.  You will not be sorry.  Go into lessons with a committed attitude and you will be amazed at how well the student does.  Music is not like most extra curricular activities.  It takes a quality instrument, a consistent schedule of practice time and several months of commitment to lessons to really see results and to evaluate whether or not music lessons is your cup of tea!  Jump in with both feet and enjoy the journey!

If you haven’t started you musical journey please call us today to sign up for lessons with Bidwell School of Music.

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